TO THE MOST INVINCIBLE, MOST PUISSANT and most Christian Henry King of
France the Second, Michel Nostradamus his most humble and obedient servant and subject
[bids] victory and felicity.
BY VIRTUE OF that sovereign precept which I have observed, O most
Christian and victorious King, ever since my long-since obscure face did present itself
before the deity of your immeasurable Majesty - since when I have been perpetually
dazzled, never ceasing to honor and worthily to venerate that day when first I presented
myself before it, as before a Majesty at once so unique and so human:
Now, seeking for some occasion whereby I might manifest the goodness and
sincerity of my heart, so that in this way I might amply extend my gratitude towards your
most serene Majesty:
Now, seeing that to declare it in terms of deeds was beyond my power -
and this combined with my singular desire to be suddenly illuminated and transported from
my over-long darkness and obscurity before the face of the sovereign eye and Prime Monarch
of the World - in such wise I was long in doubt to whom I should dedicate these three
Centuries of my remaining Prophecies that complete the thousand, and after cogitating
thereon for a long time have taken the daringly audacious step of addressing your Majesty,
without being daunted thereby - just as the most eminent author Plutarch recounts in his
'Life of Lycurgus' that, in view of the offerings and gifts that were presented as
sacrifices to the temples of the immortal gods of that time, people did not dare to
present themselves at the temples, lest they be too frequently daunted by [the sheer cost
of the] the said fees and vestments.
This notwithstanding, seeing that your Royal splendour is accompanied by
an incomparable humanity, I have addressed myself not as to the kings of Persia, whom it
was in no wise permitted to visit, still less to approach:
But it is to a Prince most prudent and wise that I have dedicated my
nocturnal and prophetic computations, [which I have] put together by natural instinct,
accompanied by poetic frenzy, rather than by poetic rule; [which are] for the most part
composed and harmonised with Astronomical calculations relating by the year, month and
week to the regions, countries and most of the Towns and Cities of all Europe, taking in
those of North Africa and part of Asia Minor, as modified in respect of those regions that
come closest to all these latitudes; and which I have composed in an instinctive manner.
The snotty-nosed will retort that the scansion is as easy as
understanding the meaning is difficult. And since, O most humane King, most of the
prophetic quatrains are so difficult that people would not know how to approach them,
still less interpret many of them, nevertheless - in the hope of setting out in writing
the years, towns, cities and regions where most of them will occur, notably those of the
years 1585 and 1606, starting from the present day, which is the 14th March 1557, and
extending far beyond to the advent (which will be thoroughly calculated thereafter) of the
beginning of the seventh millennium (in so far as my astronomical calculation and other
knowledge has been able to extend thereto) when the adversaries of Jesus Christ and his
Church shall begin to mutiply more vigorously - the whole has been composed and calculated
in days and hours, carefully chosen and set out, and as accurately as I have been able.
And the whole of it 'Minerva libera, et non invita' (Latin ref. to
Horace - 'insofar as my natural ability allows, and not otherwise'), by calculating almost
as many of the events of future times as of ages past, including the present - and of
whatever can be ascertained about future events in all regions as time rolls by -
precisely as this has been recorded, and without adding anything superfluous, even though
it is said 'Quod de futuris non est determinata omnino veritas' (Latin: 'For concerning
future events the truth has not been fully determined').
It is true, Sire, that not thinking to prophesy (merely) by the natural
instinct which has been bequeathed to me by my ancestors, and (so) adjusting and
harmonising this natural instinct in conjunction with my lengthy calculations, and
emptying my soul, spirit and heart of all care, worry and upset through mental calm and
tranquillity. All of it harmonised and foretold partly 'trepode aeneo' [Latin ref. to
Iamblichus - 'on the brass tripod'].
Although they be many who attribute to me that which is no more mine
than that which has nothing to do with me, only God Eternal, who is the holy, just and
merciful examiner of human hearts, is the true judge of it - whereupon I pray that he will
defend me from the slanders of the wicked, who for equally slanderous reasons would also
enquire how it was that your most ancient forebears the Kings of France cured people of
the scrofula, while those of other nations cured them of snake-bites, and yet others had a
certain instinct for the divining art, [to say nothing of] other examples that would be
[too] long to recount here.
Notwithstanding those in whom the malignity of the evil spirit shall NOT
be apprehended, over the course of time after my earthly extinction my writings shall be
more so than during my lifetime. Nevertheless, if I should fall short in my calculation of
the ages or if it should not be according to the will of some, may it please your more
than imperial Majesty to pardon me, for I protest before God and his Saints that I do not
claim to put anything whatever in writing in the present epistle that is against the true
Catholic faith, but have collated the Astronomical calculations to the best of my
knowledge: for the space of time since our first ancestors is such (deferring as I do to
correction by the soundest judgement) that the first man, Adam, lived about 1242 years
before Noah, not calculating the time by the Gentile method, as Varro wrote: but solely
according to the sacred Scriptures, and according as my poor mind has been able to cope
with my Astronomical calculations.
Around 1080 years after Noah, from him and the world flood, came
Abraham, who was a consummate astrologer according to some, and was the first inventor of
Chaldean writing: around 515 or 516 years after him came Moses, and between the time of
David and Moses was about 570 years.
After that, between the time of David and the time of our Saviour and
Redeemer Jesus Christ, born of the only Virgin, was (according to some chronographers)
1350 years - though it could be objected that this calculation is not accurate because it
differs from that of Eusebius.
And from the time of man's redemption until the detestable blandishments
of the Saracens there were 621 years or thereabouts, and therefrom one can easily add
together how long has passed [overall], if my reckoning be but good and valid for all
nations. And thus it is that the whole of it has been calculated according to the
celestial revolutions, by association with impressions absorbed at certain desolate hours
from affections [that I have] inherited from my ancient ancestors. But the violence of the
times requires, O most serene King, that such secret events be expressed only in enigmatic
terms, [even though] having but one sole sense and single meaning, free of ambiguous or
equivocal reckoning - nay, rather under a cloudy obscurity, in the form of an instinctive
inpouring akin to the utterances of the one thousand and two prophets that have been since
the world began. As the reckoning and Punic Chronicle of Joel has it, 'Effundam spiritum
meum super omnem carnem, et prophetabunt fillii vestri, et filiae vestrae' [I will pour
out my spirit upon all flesh, and your sons shall prophesy, and your daughters].
But such prophecy proceeded from the mouth of the Holy Spirit, which was
the sovereign eternal power, in conjunction with the celestial, and some of this number
predicted great and marvellous happenings: [though, ] for me, I in no way attribute to
myself such a title here.
God forbid! I confess truly that the whole of it comes from God, and
render him thanks, honour and immortal praise, without having adulterated it with any of
that divination that comes 'a fato' [from any direct prophetic gift]], but 'a Deo, a
natura' [from God, from the natural order of things], and most of it backed up by the
movements of the celestial round, rather like seeing in a burning-mirror [a concave mirror
for concentrating the sun's rays], as though with clouded sight, the great and ominous
events and the calamitous happenings that (now) loom at the hands of members of the major
religious groups.